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POWTECH ‘23: Italvibras bringt eine innovative patentierte Technologie auf den Markt!

Vom Dienstag, dem 26. bis zum Donnerstag, dem 28. September wird der Stand 358 in Halle 4 das pulsierende Herz der POWTECH 2023 sein. Denn anlässlich der Nürnberger Messe wird Italvibras dem Publikum einen neuen Motorvibrator in seiner Produktpalette vorstellen, der mit einer proprietären und patentierten Technologie ausgestattet ist, die in diesem Sektor neue Dimensionen eröffnet.

Italvibras will be in Düsseldorf participating in GIFA 2023: the most important fair for the casting industry

Now in its fifteenth edition, GIFA is the most important trade fair event for all stakeholders in the foundry industry.

Italvibras ready for 2023: appointments set for GIFA and POWTECH trade fairs

Italvibras is delighted to announce its participation to two prestigious international trade exhibitions, both of which will be held in Germany.

Italvibras present at Bauma for the most important fair in the construction sector

Bauma celebrates its 33rd anniversary. It is a world-class event dedicated to construction machinery, machinery for building materials, machinery for the mining industry, vehicles and construction equipment.

POWTECH 2022: Italvibras in Nuremberg to consolidate its brand in the German market

Italvibras’ presence in Nuremberg testifies to the ongoing commitment of our group, which is already active in the area, with the German branch located in Lagenfeld.


ITALVIBRAS DEUTSCHLAND hat alle notwendigen Maßnahmen getroffen, um seine Aktivitäten trotz der Schließung einiger Standorte fortzusetzen.

Participation and sharing at the SIM in Montpellier

It was an experience that allowed us to reaffirm our presence on the French market, but also a chance to develop our network with other brands in the sector.

In Düsseldorf looking to the future

At GIFA, we found a rapidly evolving world: state-of-the-art suppliers, many technological innovations and the demonstration that the foundry industry continues to think long term and does not give up in the face of any difficulty.

Italvibras at SIM 2019: away from home, but playing … „at home“

Italvibras considers SIM 2019 to be very important: this year’s edition takes place in Montpellier, a city that is also the French headquarters of Italvibras.

Good feedback from Messe Nürnberg in Nuremberg

ITALVIBRAS participated in the event at the Messe Nürnberg in Nuremberg with conviction and enthusiasm, a historic event that allowed us to affirm the positive reputation of our brand in a very important market for our company such as Germany!

A great thank to everybody for the 2019 BAUMA success

It was an engaging and very interesting experience, also because this year, more than any other, the famous international fair really strived to keep up with the times.

Italvibras at GIFA, 5 days dedicated to foundry, metallurgy and heat treatment technology

GIFA 2019 runs the pleasant risk of becoming an unmissable event this year. Indeed, almost 2000 exhibitors are expected to take part in Düsseldorf in an international appointment dedicated to the foundry sector. 2019 will be the 14th edition of GIFA.

POWTECH 2019: Italvibras in Nuremberg to strengthen its presence on the German market

Germany, where we have an office, is undoubtedly an important market for our business and taking part in trade fairs such as POWTECH is fundamental to our continued growth.

Italvibras at Bauma: the world’s leading construction trade fair

Once again, this year, the world’s leading construction machinery fair opens its doors: Bauma.

Neuer Firmensitz für Italvibras Deutschland GmbH

Die Italvibras Deutschland GmbH ändert ihren Firmensitz und transferiert nach Langenfeld.

Italvibras fliegt nach Frankfurt zur „ACHEMA“

Daher ist es für uns besonders wichtig, bei einer Messeveranstaltung von hohem internationalen Rang wie der „Achema“ präsent zu sein, vor allem, weil Deutschland -als Gastgeber der Messe- eines der Territorien darstellt, auf dem unser Unternehmen am meisten verwurzelt ist, und das nicht nur aus kommerzieller Sicht gesehen, sondern auch im Hinblick auf eine reale Präsenz auf dem Gebiet.

IPACK-IMA 2018 finishes as a great success

Confirmations such as that of the path we are taking, which is definitely the best possible one. Thank you, and see you next time!

It is time for IPACK-IMA! 

IPACK-IMA is the leading trade fair specializing in food and non-food processing and packaging. The various exhibitors participating in the event, brands and businesses from many different nations throughout the world, provide a rich international flavor.

ITALVIBRAS Deutschland auf der Solids (ehemals Schüttgut) in Dortmund

Besuchen Sie unseren Messestand vom 07. – 08. November auf der Solids (ehemals Schüttgut) in Dortmund.
Stand E32-4